Reporting Name, Owner of Property, Location of repair, Description of Repair, Home Phone and/or Cell Number.
Surveyor may contact you after viewing the site or you may request to be present to view the site with the Surveyor.
If you are not sure your drain is a “regulated drain” (petitioned and under the control of the Wells County Drainage Board and your County Surveyor) you may call the office, or visit the GIS web site to view Wells County map, you will need to check box “Tiled Drains” under layers and zoom in on your location. To see information about the “Ditches” or “Tiled Drains” you must highlight on one of those names, then click on Identify icon, and then hover and click on the blue line for open and yellow line for tile.
If you or your hired contractor want to make repair on a regulated drain, you first must call the Wells County Surveyor (260) 824-6414 prior to any work to be done for approval and to receive payment.
NOTE: No payment will be made for work done a regulated drain without prior approval by the Wells County Surveyor.
NOTE: You should always call Indiana Underground Location (Holey Moley) 2 days before you dig 1-800-382-5544, Web Site, Pipeline Safety Resources